Monday, January 18, 2010


Just over a week and a half ago, we took our dogs in to get neutered. Thanks to some procrastination and a several month wait at the Humane Society, we didn't do this until they were over a year old. The first night after getting them home, they looked horrifically sad. They kept their heads down as they walked, their tails were down, and they wouldn't even think about walking up or down stairs.
Over the next few days we had to teach them how to eat with the cones on and how to walk up stairs(they couldn't see the stair in front of them), and we also had to provide a lot of itch support since they couldn't itch their ears or neck. Fortunately after ten days of having the cones on, they got them off last night and they are SO excited to have them off. They don't run into walls anymore and they can eat uninhibited. Now let's hope it settles them down a bit.

Until Next Time...

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