Friday, August 14, 2009

Brief Yellowstone Update

Day one in Yellowstone:

We drove around to find Suzanne's parents favorite geyser only to find it is no longer active. It was very disappointing for the family but there was much else to see there. We cannot exactly remember what it was called where this pictures was taken, but it sure was fun!

Day two in Yellowstone:

Suzanne's father really wanted to go to Upper and Lower Falls. The fun part about seeing Lower Falls is you can walk right up to the "Brink" of the falls. Below is a picture.

Now Cort, Suzanne's father, played a mean trick not only on her, but the people surrounding. He had Suzanne come over to the railing (which you can see in the picture above) and lean over as far as she could. Then he told her... "now imagine the railing breaking and you falling". That was not very "fun" and Cort scared a few people around them. (That was pretty funny.)

Below is a picture of the outlook from Lower Falls. Again, I cannot imagine what heaven will be like if earth is this pretty! The rainbow, the mountians, the sky, it does not look real!

Trent and Suzanne at the end of the day waiting for Old Faithfull to start!

Old Faithful!

Until Next Time...

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