Finally I have some actual pictures to show everyone rather than the ones taken with the iPhone (not that it didn't do a good job, it did). Seeming as I still have packing to do for my next trip, which we leave tomorrow, and I am so very tired, this is going to be a post with little commentary. Hope you all enjoy!
The first animal we saw as we entered the park was some antelope. They were very cute and saw them just about every day.
Anoher antelope, just chilling on an island.
This is a little water fall but not just any water fall. This water is boiling hot! They call the river Fire Hose River as it is hot from the geyser water.
The beautiful orange rock. I just love the true colors!
So we were not the only ones who had the idea to come to Yellowstone this weekend, apparently the President did too. We believe this is his helicopter. There were a few that flew over but this was the largest and most presidential looking of them all. Unfortunately he wasn't there long, so we didn't get to see him.
Sawyer being cute with an umbrella.
Old Faithful!
Mesa Falls.
If anyone would like to see more pictures you are welcome to come over and view them at our house. It takes too long to upload them on the blog, so this is as many as you get.
Hope you enjoyed the pictures as much as we enjoyed out trip.
We will be leaving to Cali tomorrow evening and will hopefully have some updates from there. We are busy busy this August and are loving every minute of it!
Until Next Time...