Thursday, January 20, 2011

Happy Anniversary!

This week Trent and I celebrated our 3 year anniversary. It has been an amazing 3 years and I can't wait to see what this year brings. I have to admit I am not the best with anniversaries but my husband always has something up his sleeves. If you remember, our first anniversary Trent had written 'I Love You' on 365 post-it notes and stuck them all around the house. It was the cutest thing I have ever seen. Well this year I wanted to do something.  We have dinner planned at La Caille this weekend so I surprised Trent with a romantic candle lit dinner for two on Wednesday night. I set up the table with our wedding china and we drank our sparkly drink in our toasting flutes from our wedding. We had a great dinner followed by an early bed time. Sadly I have strep throat and the exhaustion of the day kicked in around 8:30. Below are some pictures of our lovely dinner and the BEAUTIFUL flowers and vase Trent brought home. (Apparently my present is coming tomorrow... we shall see what it is.)

Please ignor the snowmen candler holders... those are the only ones I have.

The napkin was suppose to be a rose... I forgot one last step so it doesn't look like it but its still pretty.

It is hard to see but the vase has this beautiful crystal rose on it for the traditional modern anniversary gift, the 'Rose'.

As the traditional classic 3rd anniversary gift is leather, I gave Trent a leather 'date book'. This is no ordinary date book, it has 12 planned dates through out the year. One a month for the entire year. This way no matter what is going on we will have our night to look forward to each month. 

I wish I was better with words and could express in writing how much I love my husband and how grateful I am to be his wife. He loves me for who I am. He is a proud holder of the priesthood. He supports me in everything I do and will do anything for me. I strive to be as great of a spouse to him as he is to me but the list of things he does is endless. I love you honey and never forget it!

Until Next Time...


Johnson Family said...

Oh my goodness, you two are so very sweet! Happy anniversary!

Meg said...

That is awesome! You two are so cute! Hmm kind of puts our anniversary to same. I better think of something good quick

Cynthia said...

Oh that is so are bringing a tear to my eye. Your table looks just beautiful and your rose napkin was really cute. Good job!! I'm so happy for both of you. Happy Anniversary.