Thursday, July 15, 2010

Twilight Saga: Eclipse

The evening of June 29 was the big Twilight party! Lots of great people combined with some fun snack food while watching a silly chick flick equals a great party! I don't have any pictures of the food yet (I managed to forget to take any, but my wonderful sister got some... I will post those later) but a few of the things we had were blood rimmed glasses, test tubes full of 'blood', kibble, dog treats, and cake balls. I will post pictures as soon as I can.

The pictures I do have is of everyone posing with their favorite team... aka Team Jacob or Team Edward. I have only posted one of everyone but have a few different posses per person so let me know if you want a copy of all your pictures. They are pretty cute, I just love the cardboard cutouts. If it wasn't for the glare they would be perfect!

This was such a fun night! For those of you who were not able to make it, there will be repeat of the evening when the first Breaking Dawn coming out in November 2011. I will send out emails once it is closer so make sure you let me know if you want to go!

Thank you to all of you who came, this really was a fun night!


Brooke Bowen said...

Ahhh! So funny! That was such a fun night and I'm so glad I was able to be a part of it, THANKS A LOT! Yes, I want to see the other pictures of me. If you get a chance will you e-mail them?

Cynthia said...

You are too funny. Those cardboard cutouts are great!!!