Sunday, July 11, 2010

New York Day 3

Day 3! We managed to wake up at a more decent hour and hopped on our tour bus. We road it around uptown Manhattan and got off at The Met. Can I just say that is a massive museum! We spent an hour and a half walking around and probably only saw a quarter of it. We were trying to waste time so we could go on a guided tour but after walking around our feet couldn't take anymore. I don't think I have ever done this much walking in my life. We have both developed shin-splints in our legs from all the walking and if we sit too long we both look like gimps as our muscles re-adjust to walking.

I just cannot believe how much there is to see here! The tour is nice to drive around and get a chance to see everything from afar, but we are only going to get to see a few things up close. It is just a little bit overwhelming for an extended weekend trip.

Well here are some pictures, enjoy!

This is how much it cost us per person to see Despicable Me in 3-D. Crazy, but a great movie!

On our tour with our ponchos. It decided to rain on us.

Us at the Met.

This is a turkey sandwich from the Carnegie Deli! There is about 4 inches of meat and about a half inch of bread! The table next to us got a turkey and pastrami sandwich and it was about 10 inches tall, no joke!!!!

Up next on New York Day 4, Central Park and The Circle Line boat tour.

Until Next Time...

Posted from my iPhone


Brooke Bowen said...

Wow, it looks like you are having so much fun! I love NY and need to get back there myself!

Cynthia said...

That's too bad you have shin splints so bad, I know exactly what you mean. I can't wait to hear about Central Park and the Circle Line tour. The doggies are starting to miss you. When I let them out they run to the fence to see if you are here. We played ball and watched Friends today, they like to cuddle. I hope you still get in a Broadway play Luv U

Cynthia said...

Oh, I was going to tell you when we ate lunch in NY, we ordered hambugers. We got a bun, and a piece of meat. I think they cost about $10 too. Your sandwich reminded me of that, pretty plain and simple.