Monday, September 28, 2009

Cake and Flowers

Tonight was my last class of my second cake class. Below you will see my final cake along with another cake we made the second week of class. I apologize the pictures are not the best, it was pretty dark when I took them.

Close up of the top.

These are the cute roses I made out of fondant. They are really easy but they take a lot of time. I just love them!

The bow cake...

We also have some Sun Flowers growing in our front flower beds. Look how cute, I am so excited!

Sorry it was so short but I hope you enjoyed it!

Until Next Time...

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Christmas came early!!!!

Who knew Christmas was coming early this year? Look at all the fun things Suzanne got today. It is hard to see in this pictures but it is everything she needs to make a wonderful scrapbook station once the Brays get their basement organized.

Suzanne all excited! She is trying to set up the boxes for a picture.

Suzanne now has every to make this cute little desk. Hopefully she will be able to fill it with all her current scrapbooking supplies (wink wink... gift idea's for the December Christmas...)

She also got this cool shelf that will hold everything from ribbon to the the tiny tacks to the colorful beads.

The best thing about this Christmas, Michael's was so kind as to have a 50% off sale on all scrapbooking storage supplies this week. So all this cost under $200. AMAZING, I know!

Suzanne also came across some old pictures that were never posted.

This is Lexi (Suzanne's second cousin) sitting on stage waiting to hear the result of her dance performance. Yes, she did get first place.

This is Sawyer at Lexi's dance performance, just look at the face! So cute!

Lexi dancing. She is so talented and so young. She is going to be an amazing dance (and singer and soccer player) when she grows up!

At the
performance they were selling dance accessories and Sawyer loved this hat. It was pretty cute.

Until Next Time...

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Park City!

We've been taking a lot of trips lately. Well that will come to a close for awhile. We finished off our string of vacations in Park City with Trent's sister Becca and her family. We got suckered into this time share proposal presentation in hopes of a free 2 night stay. And it was a success! The presentation was only about an hour and wasn't bad at all, so we went on our way and enjoyed our time there.
We got in on Friday night and didn't have much time to do anything, so we went to bed after checking the place out. Saturday morning we got up and got breakfast and went to the outlet mall and both of us got some nice new clothes. Next we went to the Alpine Coaster. Holy crapola that was fun! It was a blast and we recommend going on it without touching the brakes.
We then went to the store to get sandwich fixins and made some sandwiches. Back at the hotel, Aiden and Becca went to the swimming pool while the rest of us took a nap. That's the kind of vacation I like! We went to dinner at Red Rock and Trent had a DELICIOUS Kobe Beef Burger and Suzanne was jealous. We went to Cold Stone and watched a movie to end the night. Sunday morning after we got packed we played some Air Hockey and a racing game in the Game Room and headed home. A fun trip and best of all, we made $10 on the room because of the time share presentation.

Until Next Time...

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Califorina Baby!

A few days after we got back from Yellowstone we drove down to California with a few of our friends. We played at the beach a lot and on Friday some of us went to the Zoo. I have to say, I enjoyed the zoo more than I did Disneyland. Those of you how know me well, understand why I wouldn't like Disneyland in the first place.

Here are a few of the cool animals we saw. Some of the pictures I didn't post like of the tigers and things we have at our zoo. Hope you enjoy!

This is a beautiful snake tree snake who was posing for a picture. I know some of you don't like snakes but this guy is gorgeous! The bright colors, I wish I could be that shade of green!

Flamingos... do you know why Flamingos are pink? They eat so much shrimp that the pink pigment in the shrimp turn their feathers pink. Cool huh!

This was a weird little bird. It is called a Guam Rail. It was the weirdest looking bird I have ever seen. What is sad is it is extinct in the wild. I was amazed we actually saw it in the exhibit with all the other animals.

I am not quite sure what this little guy is. He was in the exhibit with the Koala Bears so I assume he is related, but he was hiding under the walkway so most people did not see him. He is pretty cute though!

Here is a Koala Bear. I have never seen on in person before so this was pretty cool. There were about 30 of them and they were all curled up in their trees sleeping. We got this one to look at us a few times and I was able to get a good picture. Did you know... Koala Bears do not have ribs. If you ever have the opportunity to pick one up, you have to be careful not to squeeze them or you could seriously injure it.

This guy is a Southern Yellow-footed Rock Wallaby. Cute!

These guys were really cool! I cannot remember what they are but if you look at their feet, they have 4 little hooves on each foot. They would just jump on these steep rocks and climb up! Apparently the 4 little hooves on each foot acts like suction cups when they climb. When they put weight on their feet they can climb up almost anything. They were cool. There was one of them that had really cool horns but I could not get a good picture of him.

It was perfect timing as we walked by the Spotted Hyena's as it was feeding time. I have never seen a Hyena in person before either and it was kinda of scary at first. They are pretty large animals and pretty intimidating. I would not want to run across one in the wild.

After watching them for a little while they started to seem pretty cute. I would still be afraid to meet one face to face, but they are pretty cute animals too.

This is a cute kitty stretching! It is some kind of bobcat or mountain lion. Cannot remember.

This was a very cute and active Jaguar. I think it was just after his dinner because he was very active. He had this little pool of water that he kept swimming in. There was a fish in there and it kept chasing it all around. Just about the cutest thing I have ever seen!

This was a weird looking bird. It is a Secretary Bird. Their name comes from Arabic meaning "hunter bird." This bird hunts on foot unlike most other birds.

The Elephants! They had a cool elephant exhibit. Before you got to the actual elephants you could walk around a fake tar pit learning about all the animals that have been found in the California tar pits. The elephants were cute and kept swaying like they were dancing. Some would start bobbing their heads even. I wonder what the elephant was singing.

This is a Siberian Lynx. He was cute and kept walking around. The picture is kind of blurry because of the fence. I think this might be the same cat from earlier that I couldn't remember what he was...

Panda Bear!!! This was really cool because this guy was running around looking for something to play with. I was amazed by how fast he could run. It was cool to actually see him up and moving. I assumed that they would all be asleep and we wouldn't be able to see anything but no, he was wide awake and ready to play!

This Polar Bear was so funny! He was perched on his rock just posing for pictures it seemed. I have never seen so many of the cool animals at the zoo so active. It was really neat to see the ones you never see up and moving around like this guy.

The Zebras!

This is a different breed of Flamingo but the way his beak opened was really cool. I hope you can see it well enough in this picture.

This guy was very odd. He is an Okapi. Now he looks like a cross between a hyena, a mule, and a zebra. If you are ever close to one be careful because they spit! A lot of stuff came out of this guys mouth, not the prettiest sight I have ever seen.

These are Malayan Tapir's. They are big animals, the pictures does not show their size. They have a nose like an elephant, but are actually related to the rhino.

Some while and crazy monkeys named Sarah and Brent.

Saturday morning we ventured to go on a hike. Unfortunately we could not find the hike we were suppose to go on so we found another. We were suppose to be able to see the ocean from the top but it was too foggy to see :(. As you can tell, I have photo shopped myself out of the picture ;)

One our way home we were able to see a double rainbow. What was cool about this rainbow was you could actually see the end. Again, something I have never seen before, but you could see wait the rainbow started and stopped. It was not hiding behind a building or a mountain. Too bad there wasn't a pot of gold. :(

Sarah did not eat her vegetables on the trip and lost a few inches off her height... she no longer fits on a normal size chair... Hopefully she has learned her lesson.

Everyone at the end of the trip. We have a blast and are going to try to do it again this winter!

Until Next Time...