Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Our back yard has always been the talk of the neighborhood, and not in a good way. A few years ago when it was just Trent and some roommates living there, the city code enforcement officer came by to let us know the lawn was not within code. Basically, it was an eyesore. Several years ago, seed was planted to grow the lawn and the front yard took pretty well. The backyard...not so much. It was filled with more weeds than grass. And a forest of aspen trees soon followed. Well, it's all about to change. This time, sod is getting laid in the backyard and we're creating some flower beds to line the yard with. We also have plans down the road to put in a water feature, a shed, and possibly a firepit. Here is the yard as of yesterday after ripping up the grass/weeds. We'll show you the progress as time(and money) allows.

1 comment:

Johnson Family said...

Holy moly, what a change! I remember what it looked like before, that took a tremendous amount of work to do what you did, well done! That will be so nice once you get the sod in, your dogs will be in 7th Heaven!