Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Hello Everyone... Well if you haven't noticed it has been kind of slow with the posting lately. Suzanne has gotten into the Twilight books and wants to do nothing else but read. (That is very unusual for her.) She started the first book about 2 weeks ago and is 200 pages away from being done with book number 3! It is all she can think about and is now starting to dream about it too. Trent can't wait for her to be done so he can have wife back. His only fear is what is going to happen in August when the next book comes out and then in December when the first movie is released! He is just keeping his fingers crossed that Suzanne won't make him go. Although, who knows what feeling will win out though, the feeling of curiosity of what is all the fuss about or the feeling of there is no way I am going to see some silly vampire chick flick... only time will tell what will happen next. So for all you ladies out there who have fallen into the Edward trance you will understand and those that haven't, if you want to submerge yourself into something a little more believable then Harry Potter, get the first book and start a reading! Until next time...

1 comment:

Jake and Jenny said...

Okay, so it's decided...Suzanne and I will go see the twilight movie together in december while you and Jake do something man-ly! Deal?