Wednesday, March 23, 2011


The greenhouse is here and is up! Lets just hope the wind doesn't take it down.

I have been wanting a greenhouse for the past few years but haven't been able to bring myself to spend the $700 to test one out. Well a few months ago I found a cute plastic greenhouse for only $80! My logic was as follows... "I can try out an $80 greenhouse and if I like it next year I can upgrade, if I don't like it, an $80 loss isn't the end of the world." So it's here and is up!

It is small but will work for this year. It has two rows of shelves on each side.

I have received my flowing ground cover (the plants in the top left of the picture) and am just waiting until the snow stops before I plant them. I have my starts ready to start, once I know the temp in the greenhouse will stay consistent I will start them.

Its funny, you can see these plants are starting to grow towards the sun. Ha ha... can't wait to plant them!

Until Next Time...